First Tournament at Delaware Lake?

I’m sure I don’t need to say it, but we are certainly enduring some interesting times. Which is why I am pleased to announce what we will hopefully be our first tournament of the season. Scheduled for May 31st. The club will head to Delaware Lake to kick off the season. For many club members, this will be their on the water since last season. It’s been a few years since the club has visited Delaware and with fishing being 1 of the few social distance approved items. Many bodies of water have been extra busy with recreational fishing. Regardless of how the tournament plays out. I’m sure I speak for a lot of our members when I say it will be good to see and spend time with our fellow members and enjoy our much beloved sport of fishing. To my fellow members, tight lines, and see you on Delaware.

The Field is set for Guist and new jerseys are coming

Our field is set for Guist Creek Lake. Anglers be at ramp at 6AM. Boat pairings are as follows

Bill Schneider (Guest Boater) paired with Josh Zehler
Jake Donahoe paired with Danny Schmitz
Tony Vieson paired with Herb Jones
Andy Tobe paired with Steve Travis

In addition, the club is working with SublimeWearUSA in getting new jerseys. Final mockups coming soon, but here is our initial mock up.

Bobby Farmer has his year of firsts!!!!

Bobby Farmer has his year of firsts!!!!

For as long as I can remember since first getting involved with sports, you can always find that 1 person you relate to. That charismatic person that lifts your spirits and gives you enjoyment in the sport that you either enjoying watching or participating in. The type of person who can put a smile on your face in your darkest hour or change the tension in a room with a single joke.

Yet despite your love and admiration for that person, there the person that’s just 1 play short of the MVP for the year, the guy who cuts a tire on the final race of the season coming up just a few points shy of the championship, or the proverbial always a brides maid never a bride.

Yet this person never gives up and comes back year after year, until one day those stars align. You grab that MVP, you take that Championship, or you take that plunge surrounded by family and friends.

On behalf of the Bulter County Bassmaster both past and present. We Congratulate Bobby Farmer on winning his first BCB Fish Off and his first and our clubs 2019 Angler of The Year!!!

Ernie Shuler Conquers The Ohio River

Ernie Shuler takes the win at White Oak with a 5 fish limit of 5.85lbs. Rich Hensler grabs 2nd and Big Bass with 2.80 lbs, and Bobby Famer closes out the top 3 with 1.48lbs. With Tournament 7 officially in the bag, Bobby Farmer still holds onto 1st with 24.13 lbs. Ernie Shuler has climbed from the bottom and is now in 2nd with 22.63 lbs, and Andy Tobe squeaks into the top 3 with 18.47 lbs for the year.

Which brings us to the season equalizer, the BCB Fish Off. Not only is the BCB Fish off the biggest money tournament of the year, it is also the dream catcher and heart breaker of the year. Many anglers have held the coveted Angler of the Year title for an entire season only to see there chances swim away after the BCB Fish Off. What seems to be that unbeatable spring bass suddenly becomes under sized after the BCB Fish Off, so where will this years BCB Fish Off be held?

Lake Cummberland, a true new spot for the club. Many of the club has never been to this lake or have only visited it once. With slot limits larger than any tournament the club has faced. 15 Inch Limit on Large Mouth, 18 Inch Limit on Small Mouth, and 12 Inch Limit on Spotted Bass. With less than 6lbs separating 1st to 4th. The Angler of the Year is still very much up for grabs, and with average Big Bass for the year being over 5lbs. It is likely that the BCB Fish Off could also feature and new Big Bass for the season.

It’s time to replace that line, sharpen those hooks, and trailer up the boats, because the 2019 BCB Fish Off is here!

Lake Monroe Weighs In

With Williamstown lake being cancelled, the club decided to extent it’s trip to Lake Monroe. 1 of the clubs favorite 2 day tournament destinations, and Lake Monroe didn’t disappoint. While Monroe typically doesn’t offer up a large number of fish, the fish it does offer are quality. Danny Schmitz and Ernie Shuler certainly got to enjoy that quality. With Danny Schmitz grabbing 2 close to 5 lbs bass and Ernie Shuler grabbing one close to 4 lbs.

Despite a great effort, from the rest of the club, nobody could catch Danny Schmitz ending the 2 day Tournament with 9.94lbs and his largest and tournament Big Bass of 4.79 lbs. Ernie Shuler would make a late appearance and still grabbed second with 5.61 lbs, and Bobby Farmer would close out the top 3 with 4.87 lbs.

With only 3 Tournament left in the season. The Angler of the Year is still up for grabs. Bobby Farmer holds onto first with 22.65 lbs, Danny Schmitz climbs out of the cellar up to 2nd with 18.16, and Steve Travis holds onto 3rd with 17.79. Andy Tobe drops to 4th with 17.49, and Ernie Schuler drops to 5th with 16.78.

Its the Brookville Shake Up!!

Summer is here and the club has the sun burns to prove it. Blue bird skies and high heat made for a tough bite all day, but despite a tough bite. Several club members were able to find the magic combination to get fish in the boat, and the best combo went to tournament director Bob Farmer. Who earned himself well deserved victory after an exhaustive hunt for an alternate lake due to mother natures cranky attitude. Grabbing the victor with a 3 fish combo totaling 4.75lbs. Tony Vieson would captures the Big Bass of the day with his 2.54 lbs Smallmouth Bass and would finish 2nd with 4.21 lbs, Ernie Shuler would round at the top 3 with his 2 bass sitting at 3.65 lbs.

With 3 Tournament officially in the bag, the Angler of the Year standings got a pretty good shake up. Bobby Farmers consistency has paid off and climbs from 3rd to 1st. Andy Tobe hold onto the number 2 spot, while Steve Travis falls to 3rd. Ernie Shuler jumps to 4th, while Rick Hensler remains in 5th dropping Tom Aynes all the way to 6th. Danny Schmitz remains 7th while Tony Vieson climbs out of cellar into 8th. With 5 tournaments still to come, Angler of the Year is still very much up for grabs. Will this be Bobby Farmers year? Will Ernie Shuler come from behind again, or will Steve Travis regain his focus and climb back to number one.

Brookville Round 2?

It seems that mother nature is bit cranky this year. 1 Tournament cancelled and rescheduled. 1 relocated due to weather, and for the 3rd time this season, it looks like were moving lakes again. Brookville will once again play host to the Butler County Bassmasters. The last trip proved productive as all but one angler weighed in a fish and even he caught several fish, but was bit by the Brookville curse, but 1 angler would shine above the test. Tom Aynes stroked is way to number one, capturing 5 fish and big bass.

Will Tom make it 2 in a row? Will Steve Travis be able to hold onto his lead or will one of the many hunger competitors take the lead before heading to Buckeye? And yes, with the weather we’ve had this year. Buckeye as the next step is certainly questionable.

Steve Travis Gets the Club Rolling

This 2019 Season has been difficult to get started to say the very least. Mother nature has been nothing but relentless. The first club tournament cancelled and extend Lake Monroe from a 1 day to a 2 day tournament. Then mother nature struck again. Flooding at Loramie and many near by lakes as well. Leaving only Rocky Fork as a viable option. But despite muddy waters, heavy winds, and heavy pressure from 2 other tournaments also taking place that same day. The Club still managed to capture 17 fish for a total weight of 36.48 lbs. At the scales, Steve Travis walked away with the lead with a solid 4 fish totaling of 10.51 lbs. His Big Bass almost seemed unbeatable only to be beat by .03 ounces by Bob Farmer and his 4.13 lbs bass. With Regionals and Holidays approaching, the club won’t hit the water again till June 2nd when the clubs heads Brookville Lake in Indianna.