It’s Fishing Time!!!!!!!

Jack Frost and mother nature have been a bummer this year. Refusing to let winter go. It has left us to cancel and reschedule our first tournament. It also made for some tough fishing at this years Regionals with water temps barely above 50 degrees. Despite tough conditions, our own Danny Schmitz would take first place at this years Regionals. This marks Danny’s first Regional win.


Its officially May and this looks to be a busy months for the club. First we have several new faces. 1 boater and 2 non-boaters will be participating in this months tournaments. Looking to join the Butler County Bassmasters family. Our first tournament will be May 6th at Brookville. The run down is as follows

  1. Bobby Farmer and Danny Schmitz
  2. Rick Hensler and Ron Crabtree
  3. Andy Tobey and Justin Hienbokel
  4. Tyler Spurlock and Steve
  5. Rick Couch and Toney Barker
  6. Scott Wilmoth
  7. Ernie Shuler
  8. Tony Vieson

From there we head to Loramie on May 20th

  1. Bobby Farmer and Steve
  2. Tony Vieson and Ron Crabtree
  3. Rick Hensler and Danny Schmitz
  4. Toney Barker and Josh
  5. Tyler Spurlock and Dan Schmitz Jr.
  6. Ernie Shuler
  7. Andy Tobey

Then before our next meeting, we will be once again be making our way to the Hamilton Optimist Youth Ranch. For the DD and Youth Fishing Derbies on June 2nd and June 3rd. Please remember that kids of all ages are aloud to participate and its 100% free. If you have a son or daughter looking for a great day of fun. Then come to the Youth Ranch on June 3rd by 8am. It is a great time for kids of all ages and we hope to see you there.

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