Rick Henlser takes the 2020 Angler of the Year

It has been a difficult year to say the least. COVID, weather, politics, and crowded waters. Our sport lost an icon this year with the passing of Forest L Woods. In the beginning, it looked as if this years season may not happen. But through the dedication and focus of the club, we managed to pull through with another great season. Finishing out this year with a grand total of 124 fish weighing 193.14 pounds. Of those fish, Bill Schneider would catch the largest BASS this year with a weight of 4.51 lbs. Rick Henlser would catch the most fish this with a total of 16 fish and a total weight of 25.81 lbs. Netting him this years Angler of the Year. We’ve also seen a lot of growth and probably some of the best tournament participation in recent memory. This year the club welcomed Jake Donahoe, Bill Schneider, and Cole Gronas. We also have possibly 2 new members on the horizon for next year. We also can’t look past the fair weather stinker that was Brookville on November 8th. With great weather and blue bird skies, Brookville wasn’t making it easy on the club. Capturing only 6 fish out of 15 Anglers. However, Andy Tobe saw his first victory this year with a total of 3.27 lbs and Danny Schmitz would grab Big Bass with 2.29 lbs. The club also had a chance to fish with esteemed former member Kenny Becker. Kenny if your reading this, it was good to see you again.

From here we once again head back to the drawling board to get ready for the 2021 season. Will there be new bodies of water on the horizon? Will we see more new Anglers? Who will be next years officers? Could we see some rule changes that may impact next years results? How will things progress with the changes taking place in the Ohio Bass Federation, The Bass Federation, and the organization formally known as the FLW? Only time will tell, but you can be sure of one thing. You will see this club on the waters once again next year. To all who support our club and the sport we love. Thank you, happy holidays, and we will see you on the waters again in 2021.

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